1996 Bruce Jenner Starting Lineup….HOT!

Kenner Starting Lineup Bruce Jenner

Mix in a hint of an Olympic Superstar, add a dash of Hollywood, and sprinkle in a little controversy and you get one HOT Starting Lineup figure. Can you guess to which Starting Lineup Figure I am referring?

Bruce Jenner, of course!

Nineteen years ago Kenner released their Olympic Timeless Legends line. As the name implies, the line included numerous iconic Olympians. However, this line did not have much market success. Retail stores and online distributors alike were left with sealed cases of unsold figures and were ultimately forced to severely discount the product in order to recap some of their money.

Many years later Bruce Jenner’s name has resurfaced in the media but not for the reasons one would think. The long anticipated ABC interview which aired on Friday, April 24th, 2015, did not highlight Bruce’s athletic achievements but rather his struggle with his gender identity. To watch this interview please see the link below:

Bruce Jenner’s Story

You may be asking yourself how Bruce Jenner’s gender crisis and interview relate to the hobby business. This is a valid question and the answer lies at the end of of the interview when Bruce is presented with his 1996 Legends figure. This innocent gesture has caused an incredible spike in demand for this figure. Less than twenty-four hours later, a figure that could be purchased for ten dollars on eBay is now selling upwards of two hundred dollars. Although this price has come down slightly in the days since the interview the figure is earning one hundred dollars.

The Bruce Jenner Starting Lineup was packed two per case in each of the two 1996 Timeless Legends assortments and was not hard to find by any means. If you are lucky enough to have this figure it may be time to sell!

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3 Responses to 1996 Bruce Jenner Starting Lineup….HOT!

  1. David Passmore says:

    Wow! This figure is finally coming out of the closet!

  2. Jim Danek says:

    Were there 2 different packaging variations? The figure I have, he is facing/running to the left.

    Yes, the figure can be found running both ways.


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